- Notice Alternative to MOOC Course
- MOOCs- Syllabus- Anthropology
- Alternative to MOOC (Physics)
- Alternative to MOOC BT & BI
- Alternative to MOOC Chemistry
- Alternative to MOOC Commerce
- Alternative to MOOC Computer. Sc.
- Alternative to MOOC Course History
- Alternative to MOOC Course Lib. & Info. Sc.
- Alternative to MOOC Course Political Sc.
- Alternative to MOOC EDUCATION
- Alternative to MOOC English
- Alternative to MOOC Executive-MBA
- Alternative to MOOC Geology
- Alternative to MOOC Hindi
- Alternative to MOOC Home Sc.
- Alternative to MOOC Law
- Alternative to MOOC MBA
- Alternative to MOOC Odia
- Alternative to MOOC Performing Art
- Alternative to MOOC Sanskrit
- Alternative to MOOC Sociology
- Alternative to MOOC Statisctics
- Food Sc. & Food Sc. Nutrition
- Law
- Lib. Info. Sc.
- MOOC Alternative Economics
- MOOC alternative mooc syllabus(edn)
- MOOC Alternative psychology course
- MOOC Alternative syllabus Bot.
- Mooc geography
- Notification Alternative to MOOC 6043-Acd-I Dt 18.10.2023
- Alternative to MOOC, Physics
- Alternative to MOOC, M.Tech in Env. Sc. & M.Sc. Env. Sc.
- Alternative to MOOC, Life Sc & Microbiology
- Alternative to MOOC Mathematics
- Alternative to MOOC Social Work
- Alternative to MOOC Zoology