RTI Cell

Right to Information
Information for the Public under Right to Information Act 2005
Sambalpur University Right to Information Act Designated Officers

Public Information Officer

Name:- Prof.(Dr.) Diptirekha Mohapatra
Email.id: - diptirekha_mohapatra@suniv.ac.in
Address:-PIO Cell
Sambalpur University,
Jyoti Vihar , Burla,
Dist:-Sambalpur (Odisha)
Pin:- 768019

Assistant Public Information Officer
Name:- Dr. Madhumita Biswal
Phone Number: 9925759195
Email.id: - piosurticell@gmail.com
Address:-PIO Cell
Sambalpur University,
Jyoti Vihar , Burla,
Dist:-Sambalpur (Odisha)
Pin:- 768019

First Appellate Authority
Name:-Prof.(Dr.) Amaresh Mishra
Phone Number:-9438044602
Address:-Department of Chemistry,
Sambalpur University,
Jyoti Vihar,Burla,
Dist:-Sambalpur (Odisha)

The information channel is maintained in compliance with the statutory organizational structure of the university.

Law of Right to Information
Appendix II
Government of Orissa Prescribed
Format for Preparation of Manuals under Section 4 (1)(B) of Right to Information Act, 2005

Manual 1
Particulars of Organization, Functions and duties
[Section 4(1)(b)(i)]

  1. Aims and Objectives of the Organization
  2. Mission/Vision
  3. Brief history and background for its establishment
  4. Organization Charts
  5. Allocation of business
  6. Duties to be performed to achieve the mission
  7. Detail of services rendered
  8. Citizens interaction
  9. Postal address of the main office, attached/subordinate office/field units, etc
  10. Map of office location
  11. Working hours both for office and public
  12. Public interaction, if any
  13. Grievance redress mechanism

Manual 2
Powers and duties of Officers and employees
[Section 4(i)(b)(ii)]

Manual 5
Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records for discharging functions
[Section 4(i)(b)(v)]

Manual 8
A Statements of Board Council Committees and Other Bodies Constituted
[Section 4(1)(b)(viii)]

Manual 9

Manual 10
The monthly remuneration received by each of the officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in the regulations
[Section 4(1)(b)(x)]

Manual 11

Manual 15
Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information
[Section 4(1)(b)(xv)]

Manual 16
[Section 4(1)(b)(xvi)]