Sambalpur University e-Governance model aims at delivery of Government services and information to its various constituencies using powerful electronic means. We believe that use of Information Technology (IT) in Government should facilitate efficient, speedy, transparent and proactive processes for disseminating information to the public, businesses, employees and other agencies. It is a powerful medium for the Government to deliver services and perform day-to-day administration activities. Some obvious applications to find popular acceptances are shown graphically.
e-Governance Products
- Paperless Secretariat Suite
- Content Management
- Public Grievance Redressal
- Financial Accounting System
- Human Resources Management
- Fixed Assets Management System
- Payroll
- Hostel
e-Governance ms developed by us are
Fixed Assets Management System
This application maintains Fixed Assets' Inventory and calculations of Depreciation. It covers Maintenance Contracts, Service calls, Complaints, Repairs & Insurance. It also tracks monthly billings/rentals, Allotments of Cars/flats at multi-locations
Human Resources Management System HRMS
This system maintains database of employees. It covers their personal details, pre-recruitment history and all the important landmark achievements during their tenure.At macro level,the system helps in decision making about transfers, promotions, increments, training & so on
Financial Accounting & Enterpriniur Resource Planning(FAS/ERP)
His system deals with all work flow related to budget and accounts, creation od budget, allocation of funds, maintainenace of Cash-Book ,Bank Book, Bank reconciliation.Passing of Bills, advance payment and settlemnt etc.
Deals with student management, admission to different courses,conduct of examination, publication of results and management of departments and colleges,allocation of classes to faculties, attendence of students as well as collection of Fess.
Payroll module deals with disbursement of salary,increment,promotion, HRA and all other salary related matters like IT return,GPF/CPF subscription etc.
Allocation of seats and collection of Fees as well as some security measures to track the movments of students like inward/outward attendence register.
Managed By:
- University Managment Software(UMS), SUIIT, Sambalpur
- Hardware & Networking and Cyberoam Management- Odisha IT Tech, Bhubaneswar
All PG departments, hostels, peripheral establishments like DCE, guesthouse and administrative buildings are covered with network including residential quarters. Internet is being given to all officers, faculties. research scholars, class-III staffs and students .The connection are being given who apply for internet and rooted through proper channel. So all such users are being managed by e-Governance Nodal Centre through Cyberoam
University has its own official website which has been hosted as
- Online form fill up for PG, M. Phil. and Ph. D. are being done from last academic session.
- Online registration of alumni are also being done in
- Online grievance solution that is e-Grievance portal is also ready to be implemented very soon.
- Online form fill up for few non-teaching posts are successfully implemented this year.
- E-tendering portal is also ready to be implemented.
Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN):
Wi Fi enabled to all Hostels(Boys/Girls) ,administrative building including PG Council Office.