Centres of Excellence

(OHEPEE, Government ofOdisha, World Bank funded)

About the Centre

The Centre of Excellence: Regional Development and Tribal Studies (COE-RDTS), Sambalpur University, Odisha is established in the year 2018 with a grant of 1 Crore from the Odisha Higher Education Program for Excellence and Equity (OHEPEE), Government of Odisha through Word Bank. The Centre of Excellence established itself as a primer regional institute for research and training in multi and trans-disciplinary research approaches in Western Odisha. Besides research activities, the Centre of Excellence also provides consultancy to the Government and Non-Government organizations and other academic institutions. The Centre of Excellence: Regional Development and Tribal Studies is under the administrative control of the Sambalpur University and Odisha Higher Education Program for Excellence and Equity (OHEPEE), Government of Odisha.

Mission and Vision of the COE: RDTS

The COE: RDTS will strive to be a centre of excellence on both tribal and non-tribal population and relevant issues through high research. This will be achieved by (a) generating and disseminating scientific knowledge and evidence, (b) collaboration and exchange of knowledge, and (c) advocacy and awareness.


To establish COE: RDTS as a premier research keeping in view the geographical location of the Centre in the region, where there is acute poverty, underdevelopment, distress migration and social deprivation, the centre will take special care to address these problems through multi and trans disciplinary research approaches.


To study the nature and causes of underdevelopment, socio-economic vulnerability, social and cultural exclusion in tribal and non-tribal population in Western Odisha and to promote regional development by providing valuable inputs for policy intervention.

Generating and disseminating scientific knowledge and evidence

Minimum of five research articles in SCOPUS Indexed journals

Minimum of two new research project of national or international importance to be completed per year

Organising once in a year an International or national conference focusing on policy or issues of current importance


Necessitatibus veniam praesentium, est qui laborum, officia inventore ipsum facilis accusamus deserunt reprehenderit veritatis consequuntur nostrum aliquam saepe dolorem voluptatem, sint molestiae numquam in eos magnam harum itaque! Itaque quae obcaecati exercitationem culpa repellendus. Id reiciendis accusantium deserunt corporis qui nisi molestiae repellendus veniam dolorum ab tenetur delectus perspiciatis rerum, suscipit, placeat at sapiente, incidunt aliquid quo voluptas fugiat. Iure sint dolorum molestiae vero aliquam exercitationem! Omnis sunt asperiores alias dolor repellat, atque, suscipit saepe possimus nesciunt unde officiis ducimus? Quibusdam, quam, quas in illum rem atque, aut aliquam, odio officiis saepe vero impedit quod repellat cum. Enim animi, ut.

Collaboration and exchange of knowledge

Explore and establish minimum of two collaborations programmes with Indian (Government/ Private Sector) institutions / organizations in research and short- term training


The primary activity of the Centre is conducts a large number of research projects on various aspects of regional issues. The Centre also undertakes evaluative studies and large-scale surveys. Emphasis is given on studies related to inter-relationship of various social, cultural and economic components of tribal and non-tribal population.

Consultative Services

Necessitatibus veniam praesentium, est qui laborum, officia inventore ipsum facilis accusamus deserunt reprehenderit veritatis consequuntur nostrum aliquam saepe dolorem voluptatem, sint molestiae numquam in eos magnam harum itaque! Itaque quae obcaecati exercitationem culpa repellendus. Id reiciendis accusantium deserunt corporis qui nisi molestiae repellendus veniam dolorum ab tenetur delectus perspiciatis rerum, suscipit, placeat at sapiente, incidunt aliquid quo voluptas fugiat. Iure sint dolorum molestiae vero aliquam exercitationem! Omnis sunt asperiores alias dolor repellat, atque, suscipit saepe possimus nesciunt unde officiis ducimus? Quibusdam, quam, quas in illum rem atque, aut aliquam, odio officiis saepe vero impedit quod repellat cum. Enim animi, ut.

Project Members

Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera

Mentor, COE-RDTS

Prof. Arun Kumar Acharya

Director, COE-RDTS

Principal Investigators and Participants
  • Prof. TattwamasiPaltasingh, Dept. ofSociology
  • Prof. Sanjukta Das, Dept. ofEconomics
  • Dr. SureshChandraMurmu, Dept. ofAnthropology
  • Dr. LopamudraMishra, Dept. ofEconomics
  • Dr. RashmiPramanik, Dept. ofAnthropology
  • Dr. Minaketan Bag, Dept. ofAnthropology, GMU
  • MadanBiswal, Dept. of Social Work
  • BandanaMeher, Dept. of Social Work
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  • Dr. Sanghamitra Panda, ResearchAssociate
  • SushreeSubhalaxmiBehera, ResearchAssistant
  • SanjibPatel, ResearchAssistant
  • RajeshKhamari, Office Assistant
For any Information please contact

Centre of Excellence Regional Development and Tribal Studies, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla – 768019 (India)

LEmail – rdtssu@suniv.ac.in

Mob - +91 80188 09052

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