Human Resource Development Centre/ASCSU


Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar -768019 Sambalpur, Orissa
Tel: 0663-2432137,0663-2432781
Fax: 0663-2432137, 0663-2430158
Web site :
Year of Establishment of ASC: Since 2000

India is experiencing a paradigm shift in the role of higher education in national development, particularly in capacity building in the areas of research, creativity, development of critical technologies, entrepreneurship, ICT, science & technology and moral leadership. For this higher education system requires trained teachers who are knowledgeable, creative, inspiring, good researchers, IT savvy, effective managers, and role models. The need for effective and professionally qualified teachers is increasing due to significant developments taking place in higher education system such as setting up of more Central Universities, proposal to establish World Class Universities and Model Colleges, expansion and globalization of higher education. For making higher education institutions active hubs of academic activity, the UGC- Academic Staff Colleges now renamed as UGC- Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) have to envisage their new role, multidimensional and integrative in the higher education system. Hence, professional development Programs for teachers will have to be reinvented and reengineered.

Keeping this in mind UGC has granted establishment of Academic Staff College (ASC) in Sambalpur University and based on this approval, this ASC has started functioning from November 2000. Organizations of Refresher Courses, Orientation Programmes and other short term courses has become the primary functions of this ASC besides other innovative academic activities such as E-education and development of E-content, IT/Computer training, work shop for academic administrators etc. The ASC of Sambalpur University is discharging its duty since its establishment helping the college and university teachers in updating their knowledge in various subjects through organizing RC, OP, workshop and training programme. Though the ASC is still in its infancy compared to other ASCs established much earlier, with the co-operation and guidance of the Authority of Sambalpur University, it is growing very fast and this ASC has become one of the praiseworthy ASC of the country. Being fully residential in nature, all out-stationed participants stay in the ASC-Hostel with full boarding facility which is unique for this ASC.

Emerging dimensions of development of education show that our country is in the process of taking big strides in education. In contemporary times our Universities cannot promote an academic life in seclusion but are required to champion reason and imagination in engagement with the wider society and its concerns. Realizing that teachers have to be in the centre stage of these developments, provisions for their motivational training and consistent exposure to innovative trends and advanced knowledge in various disciplines and across discipline, need to be revisited and reengineered in consonance with the contemporary scenario in our country. Not only the faculty but new strategies for governance of educational institutions are also needed to promote innovative, broad and dynamic collaborative models.

In line with the foregoing objectives and for achieving quality assured system for capacity building, continuous knowledge enhancement, new strategies of governance for promotion of innovations and creativity, in these guidelines are being proposed to transform the existing ASCs into two level systems in the form of a Scheme of setting up Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) and Regional Centres for Capacity Building (RCCB) in selected universities in the country to create new such systems commensurate with the expansion of higher education institutions by the University Grants Commission (UGC) with broad plan of action: (a)  To organize specially designed Orientation Programmes (OPs) in pedagogy, educational psychology and philosophy, and socio-economic and political concerns for all new entrants at the level of Assistant Professor; b) To organize advanced level and more discipline oriented Refresher Courses (RCs), for capacity enhancement and continuous knowledge up-gradation and exposure to emerging developments of faculty involved in teaching in institutions of higher education; c) To ensure that every teacher in higher education system of our country is exposed to an OP and a RC at least once during the first three to five years; of his/her career. d) To organize specially designed OPs/RCs to enable the faculty involved in teaching and research in institutions of higher education to utilize fast growing Information and Communication Technology support to teaching and research;

Two levels of human resource development and capacity building centres and system for programme planning and management. These are (i) Regional Centres for Capacity Building (RCCB) with a Regional Programme Planning and Management Committee (RPPMC) for monitoring. (ii)  Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) with a Local Programme Planning and Management Committee (LPPMC) for monitoring. In order to monitor the functioning of above two levels, there will be Programme Planning and Management Standing Committee (PPMSC) constituted at UGC level with a senior Officer of the UGC as the Coordinator and six academics nominated by the Chairman UGC for periodic review, monitor and functioning of the RCCBs and HRDCs and other related issues. Besides the foregoing functions PPMSC will also explore possibilities of making available sharing of expertise and infrastructure facilities like Laboratories etc in National level organizations like DAE, DST, CSIR, ICSSR, Centre under National Mission on Teachers and Teaching etc.

The main target groups have been identified for capacity building, knowledge enhancement and similar other programmes with the objective of a holistic approach focused on transformation of our institutions of higher education to a more facilitating academic environment conducive to innovations, creativity and quality advanced learning and research. These main target identified groups are (i) Faculty members in institutions of higher learning engaged in teaching and research (ii)  Teacher Educators (iii) Key nonacademic functionaries in institutions of higher learning for better governance and to facilitate efficient use of various fast growing ICT resources and applications and (iv) Research scholars.

The UGC- Academic Staff College, Sambalpur University has been renamed as UGC- Human Resource Development Centre (UGC- HRDC), Sambalpur University w.e.f. 1st April, 2015

THE UGC- Human Resource Development Centre (UGC- HRDC), Sambalpur University has been renamed as UGC-MALAVIYA MISSION TEACHER TRAINING CENTRE, SAMBALPUR UNIVERSITY, W.E.F. 5TH SEPTEMBER, 2023

Present Staff Position approved by UGC :

A. Faculties :

Name Designation
Prof. Bulu Maharana Director
Dr. Sabitri Majhi Assistant Director
Vacant - Assistant Professor

B. Supporting Staff (Non-Teaching Staff) :

Name Designation
Vacant - Technical Officer
Vacant - Section Officer
Vacant - Senior Assistant
Sri Sushanta Kumar Pradhan (Deputed from University) Junior Assistant (T)
Vacant - Documentation Assistant (at the level of Professional Assistant)
Sri Narasingha Pradhan Computer Assistant/Steno-typist/ Computer Operator
Vacant - Peon/ Multi-Tasking Staff (at the level of Group- C)
Vacant - Hostel Attendant (In case of those ASCs that have independent accommodation/ hostel facilities)
Vacant - Library Technician
Sri Santosh Kumar Sahu Peon
Sri Sarat Chandra Majhee Attendant


Application form (Click here to download) for participation in the RC and OP can be down loaded for use.


A. GURUDAKSHTA Faculty Induction Programme:

Sr. No. Name of the Courses      Dates
01 08th Faculty Induction Programme 02.11.2024 to 29.11.2024
02 09th Faculty Induction Programme 03.12.2024 to 30.12.2024
03 10th Faculty Induction Programme 03.05.2025 to 30.05.2025
04 11th Faculty Induction Programme 03.07.2025 to 30.07.2025

B (i)- Refresher Courses: Theme- LEARNING OUTCOMES AND COMPETENCES 09

Sr. No. Name of the Courses      Dates
01 Language, Literature and Cultural Studies (Indian Languages and Odia) 06.09.2024 to 19.09.2024
02 Commerce and Management 06.08.2025 to 19.08.2025
03 Physics 25.09.2024 to 08.10.2024
04 Chemistry 24.10.2024 to 06.11.2024
05 Library and Information Science 10.09.2025 to 23.09.2025

B (ii)- Refresher Courses: Inter Disciplinary/ Multidisciplinary

Sr. No. Name of the Courses      Dates
01 Environment Studies 08.11.2024 to 21.11.2024
02 Tribal Studies 08.11.2024 to 21.11.2024

C. Short Term Courses:

Sr. No. Name of the Courses       Dates
01 Research Methodology 24.03.2025 to 29.03.2025
02 Disaster Management 24.03.2025 to 29.03.2025
03 Recent Trends in Teaching-Learning-Technology 21.04.2025 to 26.04.2025
04 Science Technology of Yoga and Meditation 21.04.2025 to 26.04.2025
05 New Education Policy: Provisions and Implementation 17.03.2025 to 22.03.2025

D. Short Term Workshop:

Sr. No. Name of the Courses       Dates
01 Leadership Development Programme 10.02.2025 to 15.02.2025
02 One Day Principals’ Meet 20.03.2025
03 MOOCs, Online Courses and Open Educational Resources 10.02.2025 to 15.02.2025
04 E-content Development and Online Pedagogy 17.03.2025 to 22.03.2025
05 Webinars on the Topic ranging from Leadership, Ethics, Climate Change, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Language, Research Methodology, MOOCs development and delivery, Yoga and Wellness, Disaster Management post COVID etc. In consultation with the Resource Person, the date and time of the Webinars will be intimated.

Click on the following link to register yourself for the Faculty Induction Programmes/ Refresher Courses/ Short Term Courses/ Short Term Workshops/ Webinars for the year 2024-2025:

Note: Interested Teachers from Universities/ Institutions and Degree Colleges are advised to apply at least 3 weeks before the scheduled date for commencement of the Programme. Since the dates of the Programmes are subject to change, the participants should attend the Course/ Programme when invited.


Director, MMTTC